Component 1 - Section C - BRITISH CINEMA


James Bond, Train-spotting, Shaun of the dead trilogy, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Legend, Inbetweeners movie. 


- Handheld camera 
- Documentary feel
- Blue-like colour palette
- All the sound is diegetic
- Set in Barking 
- Lack of artifice
- Cinema vérité - real cinema
- Social realism 

Auter - Distinctive theme.

Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict. This can be as simple as two characters fighting, but more often functions at an ideological level.


Vladamir Propp - (Props character types)
He describes that there are 8 character types:
The villain, The helper, The princess or prize, Her father, The donor, The hero, The False Hero, The Dispatcher. - Example; Die Hard.

Fish tank: 
Villain (Conor)
The dispatcher (val - Strip club person)
The helper (tyler)
The princess or prize (escape from her escape/billy)
The donor (Conor)
Hero (Mia)
The False Hero (Conor)
Her father (Mother)

Todorov's Equilibrium Theory

1. Equilibrium.
2. Disruption of equilibrium by an event.
3. A realisation that the disruption has happened.
4. An attempt to repair the damage or disruption.
5. A restoration of equilibrium.

Roland Barthes

Action codes - What will happen next... she falls, will he catch her?
Enigma code - The audience question why... why is there a shoe on the floor?

Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

Three-Act Structure

Act 1: Setup
Act 2: Confrontation
Act 3: ResolutionImage result for three act structure


Sigmund Freud's = Oedipal Complex

Jacques Lacan's = Mirror Stage

- A male child is born and imagines himself as united with his mother.
- Looks in the mirror and sees differences in genitalia.
- He desires sexual acts.
- He hates the father because he had sex with her.
- The child sees the difference as castration.
- To be like the mother he would have to have his penis sniped, so he becomes scared of castration.
- He then identifies with the father; then tries to find a female. then there is a cycle.

- No perceived difference between mother and daughter so she starts to like the dad.
- The female turns from the mother then desires the father, in order to conform to male subjectivity.

Pleasure of sex-watching.



- A medical term, literally meaning stitch up.
- The spectator is 'stitched up' in filmic text.
- Shot/reverse-angle shot.
- Series of shots establishes viewpoint of two characters allowing spectator to adopt first one, and then another, position.
- Thus makes the spectator makes sense of off-screen space and becomes 'sutured' into the film.

Spectator looks around the diegetic setting to build up an image of the diner - sutures up the spectator to the scene.
Spectator is sutured into the diegesis of the filmic text. 


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